Facebook is world largest social media
platform for connecting people. Facebook Include number different
features by which you can interact with different people like by Using
your Profile, Pages , Groups and Events. These Feature Helps to grow you
personal network or any business at faster speed. But in all them
Facebook Pages are the giant and best platform to interact with
different people all around the world. Facebook Pages grow and faster
speed as compare to others.
But sometime we have too many different pages and we don't have too much
time to post on every page regularly and keep them active. So here i am
going to introduce an amazing Facebook Tricks about merging different
name pages which helps you to transfer your likes in another page.
1. Firstly Open your all pages which you want to merge.
2. Then Click on Settings on the top menu
3. After opening the Settings, click on the Merge pages sub menu.
4. then Click on Merge duplicate pages
5.It will open in new window, now select the pages you want to merge, the main page in which you want to merge like will select at first box and other is in second box and then click on Merge pages.
Note :- Don't Worry !! You second page will be permanently deleted, because of the likes merged into first page.
6. After such hours, you will recieved the email from facebook 'Your merge request has been approved'. Must Read - How To Earn From Facebook
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